1. Stay away from punks

In jail, this term is used to describe those people who attach themselves to new inmates and are referred to as their ‘girlfriends’. It is done mainly for protection and the inmate may benefit in the short run but ultimately the other prisoner will not only abuse the inmate but also treat him like a slave.
2. Keep Quiet

When in prison, only speak when you are spoken to. This means that you should not talk about unnecessary things and definitely not discuss your crime. This becomes all the more important if you have been convicted for a sexual crime. If you are foolish enough to brag about it, you will become a huge target for brutality and rape.
3. Do Not Gamble

If you want to die in prison, you should definitely start gambling behind bars. When you play with other prisons, you will find yourself in a lose-lose situation. If you lose, you make them angry and if you win, you make them angrier. However, it is okay to play a few friendly games as this will help you pass time faster.
4. Respect the Guards and the Prisoners

If an incidents occurs in the jail and you know who is behind it; keep it to yourself if the guard asks you anything about it. If you start telling on your inmates, you will have to face the music. In addition to that, be sure to be nice to the guards whenever you can.
5. Understand that nobody is nice

If somebody is in prison, it probably means that he is not a kind person, unless of course he has been wrongly accused. Therefore, if somebody lends you something, always refuse because if you don’t, you will become indebted to that person and end up getting killed eventually.
6. Avoid Eye Contact

Prisoners are not the most rational people in the world. If you look at a person too long, he will automatically take it badly and assume that you are staring. The next thing you know, you are the main target of violence. Therefore, it is best to look straight ahead at all times.
7. Say No to Drugs

Even though drug use will help you forget your time in prison and will pass the time faster, you will also become indebted to another prisoner. Not only that, but you may also get into trouble with the guards.
8. Work Out

This will help you pass time and will also make you stronger physically. If you look strong and walk without staring at your feet, nobody will dare to come near you. Also, try not to get a tattoo from a random prisoner with a needle unless you want to get AIDS and die.
9. Keep your Private Life to Yourself

In addition to keeping quiet about your crime, you should also keep details about your private life to yourself. The same rule applies to you too and you should avoid delving into the private lives of other convicts.
10. Be Polite

Make sure that you are both respectful and polite when you are conversing with other prisoners. Respect is valued in jail and if you respect others, they will return it and make your life easier.
wow,,seram...anak2 funk nya